I’m writing a book y’all!

For…. a good amount of time, I have been researching, writing, traveling, perseverating, on the story of my Grandparents.

Here’s the elevator pitch for now:

A Book About Love (working title) is a snarkily narrated biography/memoir of Thomas and Marjorie Doeppner. The narrator is their decidedly Gen X/Millennial granddaughter who has opinions. Their story is full of adventure and stunning parallels to basically every age of human history: illegal immigration (smuggling story!), famous scientists, underdogs, pacifism, militarism, genocide, love (unrequited and earned), friendship, trauma, mothering, and much more! The granddaughter/narrator had access to multiple sources like archives, personal letters, diary entries, newspaper articles, wikipedia articles, personal interviews, and psychological analysis wielded willy-nilly. As such, she plays almost an omnipotent role in the story arch, with the ability to see more than each character in her family could see. She found much more than she bargained for, and was surprised to find her own hopeful soul in the midst of tragedy.

You can visit my website where I go through each document and write about it (this is basically the longest annotated bibliography that ever existed): www.tomandmarjorie.com. The writing for this site is ongoing. I am working on the book, with plans to submit for publication by the end of the year 2022.

The following graphic is my **ENTIRELY FICTIONAL AND MADE UP** Book Cover


***Once again- FICTIONAL, Oprah has not (yet) read my book, and a premier Holocaust historian has not (yet) signed off on my research, and Natasha has not (yet) written and produced my screenplay for the movie.
‘Kay? It’s a dream board.***
I’d like to think of this as a fortune, predicting my future with stunning accuracy. Also my headshot will be even better.