Einstein Took Shits

Einstein Took Shits

Einstein took shits. I said this years ago to my sister when she was wondering what the hell she was doing with her life when she was getting paid $20/hour…

Little Luck Sprite

I know the phrase is often "Lady Luck," but when I picture an embodied luck it's neither masculine nor feminine, but a bit like a little boy sprite, not yet…

Lame Restraint

I am tempted far too often to write completely unhelpful things on social media. Not mean things. Unhelpful. Like when someone asked for wire hangers to use in yard sale, I wanted to write "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!" But I didn't, because that lady has shit to do and reading my lame reference is likely not on her list.

Fishing for Stars

Watching a meteor shower is kind of like fishing. Most of the time is spent waiting, watching, and spending quiet time alone or with a few others. Conversation is meant to be subdued, kind of like you are in a sacred place. With the first bite, the first streak of light- everyone points and gasps and then the conversation picks up. “Did you see that?!” “It was over there, maybe there will be more there!” “Oh I missed it!”

Wise Owl

You are not the wise owl who teaches people. Who lives alone in her little perch up high in the sky. You are a snake. One day you’ll realize you…

Easy to Exist

On an episode of Queer Eye: Season 6, Episode 5, there is a man, Todd, or as they called him "Craw-Zaddy" who was talking about his life after the loss…