I tried to make a website with just my name. Someone already had that domain. She is… for hire. Her website is pretty professional though and I don’t think I’ll get that domain anytime soon. If you are at work or near children, do NOT look that site up. It is decidedly NSFW.
Also, the person I hired to design my website did an amazing job and there are GORGEOUS pages in the unpublished folder here that I need to go back and figure how to activate. WordPress is not intuitive. I hope to figure this step out soon, but I just haven’t. Perfectionism is the death of progress- so take that as encouragement if you need it. I have beautiful design literally waiting in the wings and since I don’t know what I’m doing, I did at least the basics to get my words out there. The pretty things will come soon. No one has yelled at me about my lack of pretty design. Because no one knows about it or cares (I mean, now you know, but you get the point).
My website is a lot like my smart phone – there are LOTS of gadgets and cool things here and I use it for basically three functions. I think I have officially given up on using really anything “for all it’s worth” because that requires a level of commitment that I simply do not have.
I now grant you all permission to under-utilize the technology in your life. In case you needed that.